Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hello. Hi there. How are you?

So last night I was talking with a friend online, and we were sharing a love of the wonderfully weird things that you can do with and at math. She was explaining her love of a particular proof.

Earlier in the night I had been talking with an old friend from high school, who was subjecting herself to GoddamnAutoCorrect in an attempt to wean herself off of trash TV.

Both of these conversations led me to an impulse, and that impulse made me realize I have a super power:

I know the future book you will love.

My friend who I was discussing math and proofs with I told about Little Brother by Cory Doctorow. The friend on DamnYouAutoCorrect (who I have a tradition of giving books, who majored in English with a thesis written on magical realism in Rushdie, and the movements precursor's in Borges, just so you have more context) I started telling about Charles De Lint, specifically recommending his first short story collection Dreams Underfoot, or else the novel Memory and Dream.

Late at night, having just finished series two or Sherlock, debating fictional conspiracies and laughing about my life, I discovered at least one super power I have, that I didn't know before I have.

I'm going to share it with you.

Check back for more.

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